24-25 Tuesday TK afterschool Group
Starts on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024.
Registration is open. Click below to Apply.
🦋 Tuesday TK Afternoon Group
Participants: 4-5 yrs old.
Dates: September 3-June 3 (32 outings in total, details in below.)
Time: 12:45 pm-3pm
Tuition: If two kids group, the rate will be $3, 200/kid. If three kids group, the rate will be $2, 800/kid. If more than 4 kids group, the rate will be $2,200/kid.
Locations: Parks within 10 mins drive radius from Menlo Park. The parks we mostly travel will be Holbrook Palmer Park, The Magic Forest, Burgess Park, Sharon Park, Nealon Park, Willow Oaks Park, Flood Park and Seminary Oaks Park. We will also do some field trips to other parks from time to time, for example Baylands Nature Preserve, Shoreline, Bol Park etc.
Typical Outing Routine: (Routine may vary depending on weather or location.)
12:45pm-1:00pm meeting and greeting
1:00pm-1:15pm circle time: safety check, jobs, schedules for the day etc
1:15pm-2:00pm unstructured play time/game time/hiking time
2:00pm-2:30 pm afternoon snack and story time
2:30pm-2:45 pm last free play/hiking back
2:45pm-3:00pm closing circle (parents are welcome to join closing circle to listen to our butterflies to talk about the day.)
Tentative plan will be sent out to groups one month before the outing. Details will be sent a week before outings begin.
Thanksgiving Holiday: Nov 26;
Christmas: Dec 24;
New Year holiday: Dec 31;
Mid-Winter break: Feb 18;
Spring Break: April 9;
After a space is offered to your child (ren), a non-refundable $200 deposit fee is requested to pay to hold the spot. At the end of August when the registration is closed, the mentor will contact to let you know your final balance. The final tuition will depend on the number of students enrolled in this program.
🦋 Wednesday TK Indoor Mandarin Learning Group
Participants: 4-5 yrs old.
Dates: September 3-June 3 (32 outings in total, details in below.)
Time: 12:45 pm-3pm
Tuition: If two kids group, the rate will be $3, 200/kid. If three kids group, the rate will be $2, 800/kid.